Thursday, August 27, 2009

der, die, das...

As many of you know, I have been taking an intensive Deutschkurs (German language course). For the last 4 weeks, I have every day gone to school from 9:30 am until 1 pm in an effort to learn the language of my new is an example of some of my tools and strategies...
Yup, 501 German Verbs...bested only by 555 German Verbs, flashcards and several dictionaries, color coded index cards, an assortment of colored pens, legal pads for verb conjugation and the Government-approved course book: Themen Aktuell. I had to laugh at the bubble on the flash card box that promises that you can "Speak in a Week!". Nein. We had a quiz in class today-I scored a 39 out of 52...about 74%. Not the best and certainly not the lowest score in the class. There are so many nuances about this language, with masculine, feminine and neutral classifications and versions of the words...dativ, nominativ, akkusativ...some days my head is very full of the der, the die and the das...BUT-I had a "train epiphany" the other I was on my way to class via the UBahn, the overhead instructions became very clear: "Bitte Zuruck Bleib" ("Please stay back" as the train doors were closing). I have to admit, I was a little giddy! Maybe the class is starting to sink in.....

Did I mention that I signed up for the next 2 weeks?

UPDATE: make that "I signed up for the next 3 weeks"! I was informed when I got to class today that it will take us the next 3 weeks to complete the A1 course.....

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