Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On the Tram

First, sorry about the picture quality for this post, but I had to take it on the sly...I was on the tram the other day and found myself across from this couple.  They looked like puzzle pieces to me.  They just fit.  And I love that they are all bundled and dressed up.  Where were they off to?  To visit family maybe?  To a doctor's appointment?  How long have they been together, I wondered.  Long enough that the man is asleep on the tram and the woman doesn't seem to mind or notice!  He was so comfortable in the knowledge that she was there to make sure that they found their right stop that he took a little cat-nap.  

She did, by the way, alert him to the approach of their stop and they linked arms and made their way off together.  Adorable.  This is my Valentine to all of you.  Hopefully the Hub and I will be making our way in the world together when we are their ages, and you and yours will too.


  1. Very cute! Thanks for making me smile! :D

  2. Munich Ami: and thanks for making me smile too!

    ps: don't you love his fuzzy coat and cravat?

  3. I know this comes a little late, but just FYI the button he is wearing, the yellow one with the three black dots, means he is legally blind.
    Them linking arms was more a necessity then affection.
